turns out it's all sacred
Dear friend,
Over the past few months, I have been in a energetic “pause:” a place of processing emotions from the last year, a place of integration of spiritual and energetic work, a place where so much is changing and transforming internally, a place where it feels like we're being remembered + remade from the inside out. It’s not a place that the mind can go or wrap it’s little head around, which has led to a part of me being in this kind of floaty, witnessing -”I dunno!” kind of space, a space where I didn’t feel clear or aware about what I wanted or what was coming next. A place where the juiciness of teaching and creating does not live. It's almost like a personal winter. So I've been quiet. In seasons like these, sometimes being still (as possible) and acting as a gentle observer of yourself is the medicine we need (despite all the programming that tells us we need to DO to earn our worth).
While sitting down to journal today, I realized that there has been parts of this experience that I want to share with you.
So here they are, in all their perfect, imperfect glory (just like us):
*I've been caught in the swirl of caring for 3 emotional + empathic starseeds, the home, the animals, the invisible load of motherhood.
*I've been in my marriage, witnessing it's change, it's implosion, breaking down, shedding it's skin and finding deeper love thru radical honesty.
*I've been in my sobriety in a pandemic (3 year anni next week).
*I've received 3 new private clients + miracles in my work.
*My oldest lost his first 2 teeth.
*My parents got CO-V1D, my father became very ill (has almost fully recovered).
*I studied and became certified in reading the Akashic Records and have been healing thru past life readings as medicine.
*I've watched parts of me that were conditioned to show up as a “Good Girl” no longer being available.
*I've received messages from flowers and have been creating art with them in the way that they share with me (a part of me told me not to share that with you: I trust and have faith that showing all parts of me is safe here).
*I've hired new support systems in my business and life, getting really real on how I want to feel, how I want to be supported, and how good it gets to be.
*I've hugged and laughed with dear friends for the 1st time in over a year.
*I've realized how deeply my energy is connected to the moon and my own menstrual cycles and have made a promise to honor that in my life + business.
*I've received a new offering in the form of a Divine download and am working up the courage to share it with the world (I've shared it with 2 friends + Rory so far #babysteps).
How is your heart? What's been shifting for you?
I'm here. Open, inspired, humbled, imperfect. Ready.
With you, always.
xx Bri