Ways to Work With Bri

In-Person Healing Session
In-Person healing with bri in seacoast, nh.
An intuitive and intimate 90 minutes of seeing, honoring and balancing all parts of you: mind, body and soul.
Healing sessions are all unique and intuitively lead, meeting you where you are in the moment with exactly what you need.
A session may include reiki, womb healing, essential oils, flowers, an herbal foot soak: whatever your soul is calling for as we move through gentle practices to clear emotional, energetic, physical, emotional and birth traumas.
Bri’s sessions support women back into connection with their bodies and alignment with their intuition, feminine energy, wisdom and creative power.
You'll end the session feeling clear. Restored. Reconnected.
In-Person Healing Client Reflections
Energy Healing Session
Distance energy healing
A sacred hour of physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic healing so you can feel your best + connect with your true essence. Together, we will…
Connect via phone about what you’d love from our time together.
Spend 45 minutes together in a deep (virtual) energetic healing container where you will be instructed to lie down or rest comfortably to receive a clearing of your physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies.
Reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, alleviation of physical symptoms and restore your bodies natural healing capabilities.
Clear + cleanse your energy pathways and auric field.
At the conclusion of the time you’ll receive intuitive guidance that came through for you during the session plus opportunities to share and answer any questions that came up for you.
*Please have a comfortable space set up prior to your scheduled time where you can rest comfortably for the energy healing portion.
*Distance is not a factor as this work is energy based.
Energy Healing Client Reflections
Inner Alchemy Session
Blend of Energy Healing and Intuitive Coaching
During our session together, you and I will…
Spend 40 minutes together in a deep (virtual) energetic healing container where you receive a clearing of your physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies. Begin to identify, release and transmute anything that is not serving your highest truth + divine blueprint (aka old stories, DNA, programming, trauma, past life) so you can start to reconnect and FEEL who you truly are.
Receive intuitive guidance + pings that came through for you during the healing and offer opportunities to share and answer any questions that you have.
Spend 60 minutes in intuitive mentoring where you'll receive gentle, loving and clear guidance from your spiritual team re: the question that you're bringing to the session.
Reconnect with your intuition (aka your inner knowing) so you can begin to access your personal GPS system for making decisions for what's going on in your life.
Receive “homework” aka intuitive guidance, tools + resources to keep you inspired on your journey.
End the session feeling clear. Restored. Reconnected.
a 6-month Private intuitive Mentoring program
2x/month private 60-minute sessions with Bri for one-on-one mentoring, healing + intuitive guidance for your life and work in the world.
1x/month distance healing session to release deep holding patterns, energetic blocks and to bridge the gap between the body and spirit.
Dissolve the limiting beliefs, cords, programs, past life shadow + BS stories that have been keeping you stuck and playing small.
Learn how to tune into the real YOU, aka your intuition + and forever make decisions in the direction of what's the highest and best to support the emergence of what is truly wanting to unfold in your life and/or business.
Step by step plan to uncover the next steps in creating a sacred + honoring relationship with you: your physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual essence and how to take inspired action to create inner + outer change in your life.
Homecoming Client Reflections
The Real Mama Project
Virutal Membership
The Real Mama Project is a space to have real honest conversations about motherhood.
A space to create a life that supports who you really are and what you truly want.
A space to come home to the woman that you’ve always been, before the world told you who to be.
You can be a good mother AND honor yourself. You can show reverence to your desires AND bring great love to your people. You can be grateful AND want more. You can have both. Because you are both.
You deserve to experience the kind of uniquely fulfilling and delicious life that extends beyond the sole role of being a mother. You deserve to know what lights you up and makes you feel whole.
The REAL MAMA PROJECT liberates mothers through truth, inspiration and love.
Real Mama Reflections