As some of you may know, I’ve decided to create a life without alcohol.
The awareness of how much I’ve relied on ‘rosé' to get thru my day’ is STAGGERING.
Read MoreAs some of you may know, I’ve decided to create a life without alcohol.
The awareness of how much I’ve relied on ‘rosé' to get thru my day’ is STAGGERING.
Read MoreWho do you know yourself to truly be, sister?
What would you LOVE to bring forth into the world?
What do you need for support?
Read MoreI’ve found that meditation isn't just for the mama sitting next to you in yoga class with long arm pit hair and no bra who skipped deodorant on the way to grab her kale smoothie before class.
Read MoreHow many times have you found yourself up shit’s creek when you didn’t follow your gut? Where something went wrong because despite knowing that something or someone wasn’t right for you, you did it anyway? forced it anyway? Ignored that knowing + instead chose something outside of you?
Read MoreMaybe your kids are taking more time than you were planning this week, and your work is suffering.
Maybe you just want out from where you’re at right now.
Wherever you are, I see you.
And I do know that for you and I, taking care of ourselves is super important during this time of transition.
Read MoreSmudging only takes a few minutes to do, and the simple ritual can eliminate negative vibes, raise your juju and cleanse a space energetically. It’s like giving your body and home a shower of good vibes!
Read MoreYou might be watching babies transition into school (and figuring out what to do with the new time to yourself), starting your first business or changing careers, or navigating how to make business changes WITHOUT compromising your income. These 5 crystals are perfect for the woman who's in a transition and doesn't really know how to navigate all the details.
Read MoreIf you had asked me before this weekend if I was “closed off” or in need of a good spiritual cleansing, I would’ve been like F no! I continuously show up, see healers, meditate, read, tune in, etc. I do the work, I teach my clients how to do the work. But NOPE. CRACKED THE F OPEN.
Read MoreStretch marks
Big arms
Deflated breasts
You could say social and I have a pretty good thing going. So why the detox?
Read MoreI’m feeling a little more GODDESS and a little less WARRIOR this year...
Here is one simple strategy you can use to add a little more of that graceful, authentic, goddess-like YOU to your business..
Read MoreHere you’ll find just a few of the messages that I started to send out to people as a more fresh + personalized approach to connect with potential customers and business partners.
Read Moreeverything from how I simultaneously launched my coaching business + birthed our sweet baby girl to how coming face to face with my deepest shame #top10of2017
Read MoreSince becoming a mom, I’ve taken space and time to reflect on what I’d love to create for my littlefamily in terms of traditions. What traditions would I love to keep? What do I want my children to experience? What’s the focus? What if they don’t share my exuberance for all things holiday?
Here’s what I’ve got so far:
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what are the things that you'd love your days... your life to be made of?
What would shift in your experience if you made time for the things that truly shine?
Read MoreLast night, hell froze over + pigs flew. Well, no. That’s just me being dramatic. What really happened was I taught my first dance class in over a DECADE. Actually 12 years, but who’s counting? (me). My 1st class since birthing two (large) babies. Gulp.
Read MoreLet the noise and the bullshit fall away. Get clear on what you would love, and let's start getting your magic on paper
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