When George Floyd was calling out for his mother, he was also calling out for us.

He was calling out to all mothers.

To see the faces of our boys in his. To hear the cries of our boys in his voice. 

Asking us to look deep into our hearts and realize that 

He is our son. 

And let that knowing guide us to what we must now do. 


We are all mothers.

We are all children of God. 

All children are our children. 

They are all ours. 

George Floyd is our son. 

He was calling for us.

As he was gasping for air to fill his lungs, witnessing his life being forced from him in hatred and racism simply because of the color of his skin, overwhelmed and scared and angry, he was calling out for us mothers.

Can you hear him? 

White mothers: can you imagine if you lived in a place where people who looked just like your kids were being murdered simply because of their whiteness? That every time they left the house, left your arms, left your sight, that you would have to fear that they would be targeted, abused, beaten or murdered for the rest of your days? For theirs? 

What would you do? How would that affect your nervous system? Your way of seeing the world around you? How you felt about your fellow man? What conversations would you be having with your friends? With your partner? Your kids? With your government? What action would you take? Where would you start? What would you demand be done?

Whatever feelings and knowings comes up for you as you imagine the horror that women of color face every single moment of every single day, THAT IS WHAT YOU TO CHANNEL AND THAT IS NEED TO DO AND THAT IS WHERE YOU NEED TO START.

These children are our children. 

These men are our boys. 

There’s nothing bigger and more pure than the heart of a mother. Let’s use them as a portal.

We must not stop until our sons are free.

#justiceforFloyd #heartofamother #awake #childrenofgod #sacredsons

Bri McCorkell