What our problems are here to teach us
as a mom of 2 i found time for myself. my writing, my coaching, my spiritual practice, my relationships; I prided myself on creating space for all of the things that made my heart sing ✨
since our new babe arrived this has shifted #likewoah this little guy makes his needs very clear: frequent feedings, constant closeness, and mama 24/7. shit, it’s been challenging making time to shower and eat, let alone create. Someone is always tugging at my leg or breast, needing my attention. I find myself in full on MOM zone and I’d be lying if I said it’s been comfortable. there’s some moments where i think i’m going to lose my damn mind.
But instead of giving into the frustration and anger in those moments that’s felt BIG, I’ve been trying to stop and take a breath (and usually shed a tear) and asked,
What if instead of avoiding/resisting/demonizing what IS, what if we sat with it and simply asked what it was here to teach us?
Here’s what’s come up for me:
✨your worth is not measured by your productivity. you are worthy exactly as you are✨
✨what is for you cannot pass you by✨
✨it is not how much you do but how much love you put in the doing that makes your offering something beautiful for God✨
✨remember that you once dreamed of being where you are now✨
What might your current “problems” be here to teach you? I’d love to know 💕
xx Bri